Linda,That is some great info and you are right about prescribed medication and the side effects.I've been there and done that and try natural stuff but I do have to have shots sometimes.
Hello, and Welcome to my blog. Let me introduce myself. I am a Certified Natural Health Professional and in the past have worked as a Nutritional consultant & Foot Reflexologist. A number of years ago, I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis, and know what it's like to have chronic pain. I hope to use this blog as a way of both educating others to understand all the different aspects of pain, and possibly getting relief. I run a Home Based Internet Business marketing a number of cutting edge health products.
I'm in the Buffalo NY area, married and am the mother of 2 grown daughters.
I look forward to getting to know you.
Linda,That is some great info and you are right about prescribed medication and the side effects.I've been there and done that and try natural stuff but I do have to have shots sometimes.